45 Years In Existence
Our Constitution

We, the Secondary Technical School Awo-Omamma Old Student’s Association (“STSA Old Students”) having agreed to form an Association devoid of religious or partisan intention hereby enact and adopt the following constitution for the purposes of promoting constant contacts and re-union and to support and promote the school and its students in its education, cultural, civic, social and sporting activities.
This instrument shall be cited as the constitution of the Secondary Technical School Awo-Omamma Old Student’s Association.
1.1 The name of the Association shall be Secondary Technical School Awo-Omamma Old Students’ Association (“the Association”).
2.1 The aims and objectives of the Association shall be:
(a) To aid and promote constant contacts and re-union of the old students of Secondary Technical School Awo-Omamma (hereinafter referred to as “the Old Students of the school”) and to advance the interests of the School.
(b) To provide a forum for the Old Students of the School to support and promote the school in its cultural, civic, social and sporting activities.
(c) To support the students of the school by promoting learning, mentorship and sponsorship programmes from time to time. 2
(d) To provide scholarships and supports for students with special needs on such terms and conditions as shall be agreed by the Association from time to time.
(e) To support the Principal and the teachers of the School and the Parent Teachers’ Association (PTA) towards helping the students in achieving outstanding performances.
(f) To assist in implementing and financing schemes for the development of the infrastructural facilities for better academic performance for the students of the school.
(g) To engage in other activities as may from time to time be approved by the Association for proper learning in the school or in support of the Old Students.
3.1 The membership of the Association shall be open to all Old Students of STSA who have completed at least one full academic year of schooling in the School.
3.2 Membership of the Association shall be divided into three classes namely: Honorary, Ordinary and Associate Members with each class enjoying the full privileges of the membership and being subject to all the rules and regulations of the Association.
(a) Honorary Patrons: 3 (three) Honorary Patrons shall be nominated by the Executive Committee from the members and be ratified by the Association every five years or from time to time as the Association may decide and shall be for men and women with outstanding performances in the promotion of the course of the Association.
(b) Ordinary members: Ordinary members shall be all the Old students who qualifies as stated in 3.1 above and who have been admitted into the Association.
(c) Associate members: Associate members shall be all the spouses of all the Old Students who have been admitted into the Association.
4.1. There shall be an annual subscription of N2000.00 (two thousand Naira) and or levies payable by every Ordinary member as may be determined by the Executive Committee from time to time with reduced rate of 50% for recent graduates of the School attending higher educational institutions or under apprenticeship.
4.2. All annual subscriptions shall be payable by the members from the first day of January every year into the Association’s bank account with proof of payment posted on the Association’s WhatsApp Forum. 3
4.3. Shall any member be in arrears of the annual subscriptions and or other financial obligations, such member(s) shall be removed from the register of the members of the Association should he/she fail to pay his/her arrears after being given due notice.
4.4. Members so removed shall not be eligible for re-admission unless on payment of the full arrears or such other financial obligations as may be determined by the Executive Committee.
5.1. The Association shall have an Executive Committee herein referred to as ‘The Executives’ and its key functions shall be as follows:
(a) To run and manage the business and affairs of the Association within the context of this Constitution.
(b) To take decisions on routine administrative and urgent matters and inform the Association at general meetings for ratifications, and
(c) To call for special general meetings of the Association when there is need.
5.2. The Executive Committee shall consist of elected officers as follows:
(a) The President
(b) Two Vice Presidents
(c) The Secretary General
(d) The Assistant Secretary General
(e) The Financial Secretary
(f) The Treasurer
(g) The Publicity Secretary
(h) The Welfare Secretary
(i) The Social Secretary
(j) The Provost
(k) The Legal Adviser
5.3. Each member(s) of the Executive Committee shall serve for a term of two years and shall be eligible for re-election for another term but can only serve for two terms at a straight. 4
6.1. A minimum of 8 (eight) members of the Executive Committee including the President shall form a quorum at any executive meeting.
6.2. Executive Committee meetings may be called at any frequency as may be required to manage the business and affairs of the Association.
7.1. The President or any officer presiding at any executive meeting shall have an original as well as a casting vote (an extra vote given by the President to decide an issue when the votes on each side are equal).
7.2. The Executive Committee may at their sitting with a simple majority vote, co-opt a member of the Parent Teachers Association, the Principal and or a Teacher of the School for any period or occasion as may be desirable, provided that in no case shall such period of co-option extend beyond their term, except with the consent of the Association at an Annual General Meeting.
7.3. The Executive Committee shall have the power to fill any vacancy that may arise among its membership during their term of office.
7.4. The Executive Committee shall meet at least every other month or on any other occasion upon the request of the President or any three members of the Committee.
7.5. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the management of the affairs and or business of the Association and may from time to time delegate any member(s) or a committee of the Association to perform certain duties as they may deem fit and reasonable.
7.6. Any member(s) or committee so formed and delegated as in 7.4 above, shall in the exercise of the powers or performance of the duties so delegated adhere to the terms of reference so given by the Executive Committee.
7.8. Where any officer or member of the Executive Committee absents himself/herself for three consecutive meetings of the Committee without reasonable excuse taken before the meeting, the Executive Committee shall have the right to declare his/her position vacant and to fill the vacancy by a new appointment for a term up to the next annual General Meeting.
7.9. Any member so appointed to fill a vacancy in accordance with 7.8 above shall serve in the office until the next annual general meeting at which election of the members of the Executive Committee shall be held. 5
8.1. In the event of the dissolution of the Executive Committee or on vote of no confidence passed on them by two third majority of the members present at an Annual General meet, the general meeting shall immediately constitute a Caretaker Committee to oversee the affairs and the election of new Executive Committee.
8.2. The Caretaker Committee shall comprise of 5 (five) members with 1 (one) member drawn from each past school years members present, starting from the most senior school year present but not more than 5 (five) in number.
8.3. The Caretaker Committee shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the Executive Committee and arrange for the election of a new Executive Committee either on the day or at the next general meeting.
NOTE: Proposal of Dissolution or vote of no confidence on Executive Committee must at all times clearly be for a good reason and shall never be to disadvantage any Executive Committee. Any member or group of members proved indulging in unwanted proposal of dissolution or vote of no confidence on the Executive Committee or any of its members shall be summarily suspended from the Association.
9.1. The Advisory Committee of the Association shall comprise of 7 (seven) members appointed by the President and ratified by members of the Executive Committee at an Exco meeting for a term not exceeding their tenure in office; and
9.2. The duties of the Advisory Committee shall be advising the Executives on matters as they may wish to refer to them for their opinion from time to time during the tenure of their office.
10.1. The Association shall be holding a General Meeting every other month via Online and an Annual General Meeting at the School or any other venue as may be reasonable at the end of every year.
10.2. The Online General Meeting shall be to discuss the affairs of the Association as may arise from time to time and shall be on the last Saturday of every other month.
10.3. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held by the ending of December every year or early January of the next year as may be practicable and shall be for the following: 6
(a) to receive and consider reports by the Executive Committee on the work of the Association during the immediately preceding year, and
(b) to receive an up to date of the Financial Report and Statement of the financial position of the Association, and
(c) to discuss the business of the Association and the welfare of the school, and
(d) to discuss the welfare of the members and progress of the Association.
(e) to conduct the election of officers and members of the Executive Committee at every other Annual General Meeting.
11.1. The President:
11.1.1. The President is the Chief Executive of the Association and shall;
(a) Preside at every general meeting of the Association but if not present at a meeting, any of the Vice-Presidents of the Association shall preside over the meeting in his place;
(b) Supervise the business and affairs of the Association and the work of all the Executive members for the benefit of the Association;
(c) Authorise all payments and or expenditures of the Association from the Association’s bank account without unnecessarily withholding payments.
11.1.2. In the case of equality of votes in taking a decision, whether by show of hands or by poll, the President or any of the Vice President presiding over any such meeting at which the show of hands or poll is taking place, shall be entitled to a second or casting vote to decide the matter.
11.2. The Vice President:
11.2.1 The two Vice Presidents shall at all times assist the President in his/her duties for the Association as he/she may require for the benefit of the Association.
11.2.2 Should the President not be available at any meeting, any of the two Vice Presidents present at that meeting without the presence of the President shall assume all the powers of the President at that meeting and in the case of a resignation by the President, vote of no confidence or death, there shall be a vote for the two Vice Presidents at a general meeting to decide who between the two shall take over the office of the President for the remaining tenure. 7
11.3. The General Secretary:
11.3.1. The General Secretary shall be responsible for:
(a) taking of minutes at every meeting of the Association;
(b) taking of action regarding all outgoing and incoming correspondence of the Association;
(c) Keeping of records of the membership of the Association and all other documents relating to the Association’s businesses and affairs; and
(d) shall be a member of all the committee of the Association.
11.4. The Assistant General Secretary:
11.4.1. Assistant General Secretary shall assist the General Secretary as he/she may require at any meeting and in addition shall be responsible for the:
(a) taking of minutes in the absence the General Secretary; and
(b) keeping records of the attendance of members at every general meeting.
11.5. The Financial Secretary:
11.5.1. The Financial Secretary shall be responsible for:
(a) the collection of Annual Subscriptions and other financial obligations and donations from members of the Association
(b) Maintaining proper books of accounts for the Association; and
(c) reporting the state of the Association’s finances to the Executive Committee and at the general meetings of the Association.
11.6. The Treasurer:
11.6.1. The Treasurer shall be responsible for:
(a) paying the Association’s funds and securities promptly (within 72 hours) of receipts into the Association’s Bank Account, and
(b) to give an up to date report of the financial standing of the Association to the Executive Committee and to the Association at General Meetings.
11.7. The Publicity Secretary:
11.7.1. The Publicity Secretary shall be responsible for: 8
(a) the publications of the Association’s meetings to the members;
(b) publication for membership for old students of the school; and
(c) General publications of the Association’s affairs to the public.
(d) The Publicity Secretary shall publish the Notice of the Annual General Meeting of the Association in the Association’s WhatsApp Forum, giving at least not less than 21 days; of the day and hour of the meeting and the venue as may have been agreed at the last General Meeting or the last Annual General Meeting.
11.8. The Welfare Secretary:
11.8.1. The Welfare Secretary shall always oversee the general welfare of the members and as may be directed by the Executive Committee of the Association and shall give appropriate report of the same to the Association at its general meetings.
11.9. The Social Secretary:
11.9.1 The Social Secretary shall be responsible for organising all the social events of the Association as may be agreed by the members of the Association from time to time.
11.10. The Provost:
11.10.1. The Provost shall be responsible for maintenance of law and order and peaceful atmosphere at every meeting of the Association.
11.11. The Legal Adviser:
11.11.1. The Legal Adviser shall be responsible for interpreting and advising the Association on its Constitutions and order legal matters as may be required by the Association form time to time.
12.1. The quorums for the Online and Annual General meetings shall be 20 members with one third members of the Executive members present and with the President or any of the Vice Presidents on sit.
12.2. The Publicity Secretary shall have published the Notice of the Annual General Meeting of the Association in the Association’s WhatsApp Forum, giving at least not less than 21 days; 9
of the day and hour of the meeting and the venue as may have been agreed at the last General Meeting or the last Annual General Meeting.
13.1. The President shall convene a Special General Meeting at any time on the:
(a) request of the Executive Committee; or
(b) on receiving a request for a meeting signed by 25 members of the Association.
13.2. The Publicity Secretary shall have for such a meeting given to all members of the Association at least 14 days of notice of the date, time, venue of the Special General Meeting, the nature of the business to be dealt with at such a meeting, and at such meeting 25 members shall form a quorum.
13.3. If after an hour from the time appointed for such Special General Meeting a quorum is not formed, the meeting for the day shall:
(a) be adjourned to a later date if it was convened under 13.1(a) above or
(b) be cancelled if it were convened under 13.1(b) above.
14.1. The Association’s financial year shall be from the first day of April in each year to the last day of March of the following year.
14.2. All cheques, promissory notes, drafts, bills of exchange and other negotiable instruments shall be signed, drawn, accepted, endorsed, or otherwise be executed, as the case may be, in such a manner as the Executive shall from time to time by resolution determine.
15.1. Three auditors who are not members of the Executive Committee shall be nominated by the President and the other Executive members.
15.2. The names of such nominated members shall be presented at a General Meeting immediately before an Annual General Meeting and such nominations by the President and the executive members shall be ratified by members present at the meeting. 10
15.3. The Auditors so nominated shall audit all the records and accounts of the Association and present their Audit Report to the Annual General Meeting for the year.
16.1. If any member shall be accused of any unbecoming or improper conduct, whether in relation to the activities of the Association or otherwise, the Executive Committee may, if it thinks fit on the written report of any one or more of the members of the Executive Committee, or any three or more members of the Association, make full inquiry, and may in its discretion, if the member is adjudged to be guilty of the unbecoming or improper conduct, suspend or remove from the register of members the name of such member, provided that the General Secretary shall give to each member of the Committee and the member so concerned, fourteen 14 days-notice in writing; the proposed action and the meeting of the Executive Committee at which such proposed action shall be considered and dealt with. The member so concerned shall have the option of appearing and being heard at such meeting of the Executive Committee.
16.2. Appeals against the decisions of the Executive Committee may be made to members at a Special General Meeting to be convened as stated in paragraph 8 above, but the operation of such decision shall not be suspended pending the determination of the appeal, unless the Executive Committee directs otherwise.
16.3. At the hearing of such an appeal, the decision of the Executive Committee may be varied or reversed, and the decision of such special General Meeting shall be final.
17.1. First Bank or Union Bank shall be the official banks for the Association or any other bank that may be nominated by the members of the Association at a general meeting.
17.2. There shall be three signatories to the Association’s bank account and shall comprise of the President, the General Secretary and the Treasurer, of which any two of them shall sign for any withdrawal at any time.
18.1. No alterations or additions shall be made in or to this Constitution, unless supported by two-thirds majority of those present and voting at an Annual General Meeting and such 11
proposal shall have been made in writing to the Association’s immediate last general meeting before an Annual General Meeting; stating the paragraph and the proposed amendments.
18.2. The Executive Committee of the Association shall have the power to deal with any matter not provided for in this Constitution.
19.1. Interpretation of any part of this Constitution shall be by the Legal Adviser and shall be as simple as basically written.
19.2. The dictates of this Constitution shall stand supreme in all the affairs of the Association and must be followed at all time.
20.1. Any motion for the amendment of any part of this Constitution shall be lodged in writing to the General Secretary at least one month before the General Meeting and shall at the General meeting be read to the members.
20.2. Members shall at the General Meeting debate the motion to amend and shall only pass such motion if supported by two third of the members present and eligible to vote at the meeting.
It is hereby notified to all that nothing in this Constitution shall constitute any contract howsoever between the Association and any third party.
Barr. Sir Athenatius Nwaike (Chairman of the Committee)
Dr Max Dike
Barr. Israel
Mr Ephraim Ukah 12
Adopted by the Members on: …………………………
Signed: …………………………………. Signed: ………………………………….
(The President) (The General Secretary) 13
The Preamble 1
The Citation 1
Article 1 – The Name of the Association 1
Article 2 – Aims and Objectives 1
Article 3 – Membership of the Association 2
Article 4 – Subscriptions 2
Article 5 – The Executive Committee 3
Article 6 – Quorum of the Executive Committee 4
Article 7 – Operations of the Executive Committee 4
Article 8 – The Caretaker Committee 5
Article 9 – The Advisory Committee 5
Article 10 – Meetings of the Association 5
Article 11 – Duties and Powers of the Executives 6 – 8
Article 12 Quorum for Meeting 8
Article 13 – Special General Meetings 9
Article 14 – Finance and Accounts 9
Article 15 – Auditors 9
Article 16 – Discipline 10
Article 17 – Banking 10
Article 18 – General 10
Article 19 – Interpretations 11
Article 20 – Amendments 11
Disclaimer 11
Adoption 12